Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Know this…

 How do you recognise a true Melbournian?

You can recognise people who are true Melbournians when you watch people boarding a train; especially at one of the inner-city stations during peak hour.

You recognise the people who, even though they might have come to live in this country later in life, have quickly taken on the Melbourne public transport strategy.

The minute the train doors open enough for them to push through, they rush in without giving any consideration to alighting passengers. Pushing and shoving, without a thought for others they have gained their objective.

Their objective is getting a seat for that long trip to where ever they are going to, in the wilds of outer suburbia. They have quickly learned that self-interest comes first, last and always when it comes to getting a seat on the train.

There are other ways of recognising true Melbournians but this example was the first that came to my mind.


Melbourne suburban train

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