Thursday, 31 January 2019

Yo-yo Weather

I know.

There was some doubt about another post on weather for the month of January.

There is no longer any doubt.

This is the January weather summary – not that anyone is interested. Discuss the weather and the inevitable happens. Eyes glaze over with boredom. The listener only wants to talk about their weather which is usually far more interesting, dramatic or nastier than yours.

The month started off with reasonable summer temperatures and then the yo-yo effect kicked in.

There is much to be said in favour of yo-yo weather. Days of relentless heat, without a break, are very wearing; a drop in the temperature, even if only for a day or two, is always welcome. It makes summer life more bearable.

I could attempt to describe, in excruciating detail, how the daily temperatures in January fluctuated but I will save you that pain.  Instead you can look at this lovely little graph which you will find far more interesting than me prattling on.

February may well bring a scorching day or two but January is now at its end.


Flowers at Santa Fe Farmer's Market           September 2007

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